The Plan… “propositum pro libertas et justitia ab origine” (design for liberty & justice from the source) Phase One

Greetings Brothers & Sisters, Citizens of the Planet Earth, freedom lovers & freedom fighters. We are the Global Anti-Imperialist Alliance, or the “Rebel Alliance”. We are a collective drawn from all corners of the globe, and all global revolutionary movements. We are Anonymous. We are Spartakus. We are Occupy. We are Ground ZERO. We are the III%. We are YOU, and OUR TIME HAS COME. For too long have we watched, and waited. For too long have we lived & lost. For too long have we toiled & suffered. For too long have the few ruled so very many. This is the beginning of the end for them, while for us it is merely the end of the beginning.

It has become painfully apparent to us that the only way to win this war that has raged between the so-called “elite” and the rest of us, is to organize across all lines and focus our efforts. For millennia, our opposition have established & reinforced their systems of control. For two thousand years, while the climate & scenery may change, the plot & players remain the same. We, along with many activists, journalists & whistleblowers, have released innumerable articles, documents, stories & videos proving the existence of the “grand conspiracy” of the “illuminated elite”, yet the vast majority of our friends & families remain asleep, blissfully ignorant & plugged into the Matrix. #OpAwakeTheMasses.  #WWWaveOfAction. #Wikileaks. Jeremy Hammond. Edward Snowden. Chelsea Manning. Chris Hedges. Glenn Greenwald. Barrett Brown. Amy Goodman and our very own @JustinKingNews.. This list goes on and on and on. If we wait for the masses to stir, our time will have come & gone. We have 6 years. After that, their design for this world will be nearly complete. Six economic “free trade” zones, where the banks & corporations reign supreme, with no further need of pretense or illusion of national or individual sovereignty. The signs are all around you. Massive “free trade” agreements that essentially abolish workers’ rights & places absolute power in the hands of the markets and the puppeteers that control them. Resource wars. “Holy Wars” & civil wars. Every state on Earth, disarming their people while arming their military & police forces for wars against the people they allege to “serve & protect.” We have analyzed every op since the birth of Anonymous, every protest & occupation since the birth of Occupy, every revolution since Spartakus and a rag-tag band of rebel gladiators & freed slaves rose up & made Rome tremble. So many questions, one single answer. Those of us that see through the lies of the Matrix MUST unite under a single banner and finish the job, once and for all. We MUST #DeleteTheElite, by ANY means available & necessary. We MUST adopt a common strategy, and execute it using our own specific skillsets & tactics. Each to their ability, in concerted & overwhelming effort. We are Legion. We speak many languages & have our own diverse cultures, but are united by what is common to every sentient being on Earth: an innate desire to be & live free, to seek our own destinies by our own designs, and the faith that a different (and better) world is, IN FACT, possible for ourselves, our families, our friends & neighbors, our communities & our planet. A world where “liberty & justice for all” are more than just words, but true guiding principles. We understand that establishing and maintaining such an alliance requires that, despite our diversity of points of view, we must agree on a few key principles & a common set of objectives, strategies & tactics. We also must collectively accept and embrace a few fundamental facts, some of which may be tough to swallow & the greatest of which may shake our perceptions of reality to the very core. If you are reading this, YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE, and we need your help. Your families & communities need you. Your world needs you. Prepare yourself. The ride is bumpy from here.


If we are to be free of our masters & their machines of administration & control, (economic, political, social & spiritual) we must declare our independence from them, a statement not only of words, but of deeds. Waiting or wishing for a monumental event or catalyzing action from some external source will leave us woefully unprepared for the responsibility of proactive self-determination & governance. We MUST take the initiative and each play our individual & collective roles in the establishment of the new world that is on the horizon. We must find common ground, cultivate & occupy it, together. We must establish & maintain our autonomy, as individuals & as a popular movement. We MUST be committed. As committed as we once were to the old, we must be equally so to the new…


The original World Wide Wave of Action called for a 3 month campaign of random & various activities & to reignite the revolutionary flame first sparked by the Occupy Movement & all global movements of social consciousness & cooperation. The results were, at times, alternately quite disappointing and quite encouraging. There were hits, as well as misses, but we can do better & more! Therefore, we are proposing an additional four months of sustained activities & operations, from September through December 2014. Reach out to your friends, family, neighbors & fellow citizens. Share with them the realities of our world & our movement, and find the common ground to create together a path that leads to a free & just future for all in your area. Reach out to current public servants, both elected & appointed, and share your position on the issues & problems at hand, as well as gauging their position on the best way forward. Place an emphasis on organization & fundamental evolutionary progress. Network with your social contacts, virtual and actual, for we must stand united; or we will surely fall, divided.


First, and foremost, we must free ourselves of the bonds we have placed upon ourselves that enrich & serve our oppressors:

Move your money out of the big banks and the stock market; put it into local non-profit credit unions and savings & loans.

Use alternative currencies and economic systems like cryptocurrencies & cooperative or resource-based models.

Boycott corrupt corporations (especially Wal-Mart &  megacorporate chains) & support local or ethical/sustainable businesses, even if it is inconvenient or a little more expensive, and if YOU operate a small business, treat the employees like partners.

Use alternative energy sources whenever possible, and reduce your usage of energy produced unethically/unsustainably.

Cancel your cable & satellite television and support independent media; if you MUST have them, DO NOT PAY FOR THEM!

Grow your own food as much as possible. Plant a garden or build your own urban and hydroponic farms, or get your food from them or CSA. Avoid the grocery store if you can, or only buy brands & products that share your values. REMEMBER that every unit of currency you spend is a vote in favor of the methods and practices involved in producing & delivering a good or service.

If you vote, only vote your conscience. NEVER cast a vote for the “lesser of the evils” as evil does not deserve your vote.

Use independent online tools that don’t sell your info and protect your privacy. If on corporate social media, use aliases & proxies, and never fill out unnecessary forms or questionnaires or give out your personal details to any but those you trust.

In whatever way you possibly can, withdraw your energy, participation & resources from any institution or enterprise that is owned or operated by, or supports, those who would enslave & exploit you and that which you hold dear. These things can be done anywhere & by anyone. Furthermore, if you cannot, for whatever reason, take a more active part in the revolution, then support those who do in any way you can. Choose to subsidize those who seek liberty & justice, instead of those in positions wealth & power.


PROTEST. Mass gatherings, demonstrations, marches, parades, flash mobs & swarms. If you cannot make it to a state, regional or national event, then act & stand in solidarity in your own neighborhood/community. Speak truth to power, always.

REFUSE. Shutdown harmful corporate and governmental operations via worker strikes, hunger strikes, sit-ins, strategic defaults, debt strikes, and foreclosure prevention occupations. Avoid paying taxes or fees without adequate & satisfactory representation. Never aid/assist the “authorities”, except in the case of an innocent life in danger or to urge them to rethink their alignment & loyalties. Never obey or aid the the enforcement of immoral, tyrannical or unjust laws. Our governments are illegitimate & have no power but by our consent.


VIRTUAL. Online civil disobedience, such as Anonymous operations. Research and expose corruption & misdeeds of all individuals & institutions that promote or support the current paradigm. Help inspiring groups and organizations spread their message by sharing leaked information about the pillars of “elite” power. Re-upload graphics, memes & videos, to obscure origin and prevent suppression. PIRATE EVERYTHING!

ACTUAL: Practice guerrilla acts of disobedience: graffiti & tag bank, corporate or government buildings & property; distribute brochures, flyers & pamphlets; hang posters & write messages on currency. Strategic acts of vandalism to assets & property, but only against offending individuals/institutions, and only to hinder their operations & not harm any living beings. BE AN OUTLAW!


To effectively defeat the current paradigm, we must construct a new one that will replace & render it obsolete. Join local community organizations and take an active role. Take part in alternative social services, like food banks, and help develop community support systems. Experiment with new governing systems, like Liquid Democracy, and run for local public office. Host or participate in teaching/learning events; organize socially conscious events create conscious media; commit random acts of kindness and compassion; and start or join intentional and autonomous communities without the interference or oversight of the institutions and instruments of the current paradigm.

Many will recognize most of these suggestions from the original Anonymous #WWWaveOfAction message. Do not merely pick one or two or a few; but DO THEM ALL, or as many as you can. It sets the stage for PHASE TWO, and symbolizes your disconnection from The Matrix. In order to establish a sweeping wave of resistance & rebellion, we MUST divest from the current paradigm, and INVEST in the future paradigm, in every way that is available & possible. Only then can we move forward with our more ambitious projects.


 Though we may be Legion, we are still far outnumbered by those who are still asleep & dreaming in The Matrix. We are spread all over the world, as we should be, but we must also focus a fair amount of our efforts & numbers on liberating & securing sovereign territory where we can enact our design for liberty & justice, as endowed by our very existence, and a new paradigm of cooperation, progress & sustainability for humanity & all beings on the planet Earth, hereafter known as Gaia. In PHASE ONE, our objective (besides continuing to raise awareness and cultivating a crowd-sourced  grassroots revolutionary movement) is to select 24 “startup” locations globally, 12 in the USA and 12 internationally, preferably devastated and/or left behind by the neoliberal global capitalist “Empire” for (r)evolutionary liberation & occupation, with preliminary direct action ops to begin IMMEDIATELY following MMM2014 with an eye on kicking off  8-12 (or more) MayDay Infiltration & Infinite Occupation Ops annually from 2015 until it’s done. The emphasis is focused on the nonviolent tactics previously discussed, and if we fail at that, then it’s back to the drawing board. If “The System” wins, fair & square, because it is inherently more sound, then so be it. However, if our paradigm is locally accepted & successful, then we will occupy & defend it & our innate sovereignty, however we must. We are a peaceful movement, and we desire a peaceful planet, but our opposition does not share that ideal. They have erected & reinforced an Empire through all manner of atrocity, criminal conduct & terrorism. We are a movement for liberty. As the oft-quoted American revolutionary once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Their Empire is built upon the blood of all except their own, even the lifeblood of the planet, itself. We are a movement for justice. Blood demands blood, and Gaia will have her vengeance. We are a movement of stewardship & sustainability, not of dominance & exploitation. As the apex intelligence on the planet (by our understanding) we have a responsibility to preserve her, not only for our own posterity, but for the posterity of life, itself. We are a movement of fairness under the law, by law, for all. We will unseat the existing power structure and restructure horizontally, with equal representation & voice. In today’s technological age, direct democracy at every level, is not only attainable, but fairly simple. If every McDonald’s has WiFi, and everyone gets a vote about who is the next big reality star, then everyone gets a vote on every aspect of their own reality. As a unit (Spartakus) we are of the libertarian-socialist/anarchist persuasion, but have no desire to hold any sway in the direction each community takes once liberated, so long as these prime directives are honored. Every law & penalty must be voted upon by those who will be subject to it, with the exception of a code of a handful of universally accepted laws for any civil society. Specifically, those concerning murder, rape, theft, assault on person or property, crimes against humanity or nature & cruelty or abuse. No one shall ever be subject to laws concerning their own personal safety & security. The purpose of law is to protect us from each other, not ourselves, and certainly not to dictate the details of our personal affairs, public or private. The law should be a common sense code of conduct, not a dogmatic code of ethics. While a personal relationship with the infinite is encouraged for all who seek it, it is a personal journey, and therefore no law shall ever be made or enforced on the grounds of religious faith or morality. No law shall ever be made granting central powers, of ANY kind, to ANY entity or individual: economic, political or religious. We will justly arrest & fairly prosecute any offenders of these laws that are seated in positions of power at the time of transition. We will evict the banks and the corporations, and replace them with economic unions & worker-ownership & operation of large businesses, with smaller & midsized businesses having little or no regulation outside of “better business” principles of ethics & truth in claim, while maintaining a free market environment for all, where cooperation is as valued as competition, and true entrepreneurship & innovation are rewarded while exploitation & fraud are minimized. We will make use of the best available & most appropriate technologies for energy & development & agriculture & industry. Each community will be self-governing & self-sufficient, free to choose its own sovereign path, or to join us as a beacon of hope & inspiration to the rest of the world “behind enemy lines” as a union of global free city-states. Each macrocommunity/micronation will be independent, but cooperatively interactive in the fields of logistics and science & technical innovation & research. We will make public every dark secret of the last 2000 years and expose every myth & lie that we discover along the way, universal freedom of information, especially as it relates to our collective culture, heritage & history. Our ultimate human destiny is out amongst the stars, and can only be accomplished via collaboration & co-investment. First, however, we must get our own house in order, before we can hope to successfully & sustainably embark on such a bold quest. That means all are fed, all are healed, all are taught and all have the final say in their own choice of lifestyle & purpose, according to their own personal merit & ethic. To each his own. Don’t start none, won’t be none. Which brings us to our next evolution…


For obvious strategic & tactical security reasons, we can not lay out every single detail of the plan in its entirety, but also because it is ever-evolving. As more willing & able souls enlist in the struggle, and more ideas & solutions are brought to the table with them, our design organically takes on a life of its own. We don’t have all the answers, we simply have a method to unite & execute our best existing ideas & integrate new solutions as they are discovered/presented. 24 locations. There are many candidates, two selections so far: Metro Detroit USA & Somalia (specific site TBD). We want your ideas & input! This is a crowd-sourced revolution, and by reading this, you just “joined the crowd” so to speak, if it is your will to do so. Find the Ground Zero Project page on Facebook &  join the discussion. More strategic & tactical news & information to follow. Whatever movement or movements you belong to or represent, reach out to your comrades & share this message with them. We do not wish to hijack your group or assimilate you. We simply wish to facilitate the necessary logistical and material collaboration required to achieve our common objective(s). We do not wish to “be the boss” of anyone. We want to get rid of the bosses. Eliminate the hierarchy. #DeleteTheElite…

If you are ALREADY working on such a plan or strategy, or sincerely want to, please contact us!

Let’s collaborate via email or social media, ANONYMOUS or UNMASKED, we’re all done hiding!

NO ONE gets left behind! Protect yourselves, and each other.

DO what you know is right, DO NOT what you know is wrong.

“if we lead the way forward, the rest will wake & follow”

OCCUPY GAIA: The Rebellion Strikes Back



We are Anonymous

We are Legion

We DO NOT Forgive

We DO NOT Forget


(your URL goes here…Join Us!)


Anonymous #IamSPARTAKUS


We seek to organize the entire revolutionary element of the global 99 percent, towards what must be our ultimate objective: The destruction and dissolution of the global oligarchy, the 1 percent, and to create the world we all know is possible without them. We do, indeed, stand in the shadow of greater might, as their system casts across the lives of every man, woman, and child, condemned to the darkness of slavery, whether it be by chain and lash, or wage and debt, we are all forced to toil and suffer so that those of wealth and position can see their fortunes grow beyond need or purpose. our opposition constitutes 1/10th of 1 percent of the global population, and either by possession or influence, control the world. No matter your pet theory on how things really are, behind the curtain, we do not face ancient aliens, inter-dimensional reptiles, or demons, from the depths of hell, they are just men and women, no greater than us, save for the fact that they organized long ago, formulated a plan, and executed it. We also have a plan that will save us, and our planet, from their empire of tyranny and greed. We know their plan, and we can show you how to stop it. BUT… Just as in “The Matrix”, as long as you participate you are complicit, and by default, a collaborator. In the days and weeks ahead, we will be releasing information to help you along the WAY. Make no mistake, WE ARE AT WAR, and we must conduct ourselves accordingly…
For too long, we have lived, and lost, at the whims of our masters. They declared war on us long ago, when they sought to enslave and dictate the destinies of, us all. We cannot vote or protest them out of power, and before they relinquish their power, they would destroy us all and burn the earth, to rule over the bones and ashes. They believe in their divine right to rule; but they are not gods, nor do they represent one. Let us teach them that ALL who draw breath, are of equal worth. and that those who seek to place heel upon the throat of liberty will fall, to the cry of freedom! For we are born free, and no one can take that, so long as we live free… No gods, no kings, no masters. We decide our own destinies, and we implore you to join us in seizing that destiny, together…


Global Anti-Imperialist Alliance

Greetings Brothers & Sisters of the Planet Earth. We are GAIA, the Global Anti-Imperialist Alliance; and we are here to unify the actions of global 99% activists into a cohesive & concerted effort with one unifying objective: TOTAL SYSTEMIC CHANGE, aka… #DELETEtheELITE.

WHO is GAIA? Simple answer? WE are YOU. GAIA is the brainchild of a small crew from the Anonymous collective, who became the Spartakus Collective. After much investigation and compiling & crunching data for several years, we came to some startling & enlightening conclusions:

First, that there is, in fact, a grand conspiracy to essentially enslave or capitalize/monetize everything on the planet, living or non, and they control the entire world by either outright possession/wealth or resulting influence. While it is not as outwardly sinister as some imagine, with supernatural ties & biblical implications, it is by the very nature of its aims, evil. The so-called elite have existed since the dawn of civilization & have ruled in some way or another the entire time. Sometimes new families step up, sometimes some fall out, but it has pretty much remained a static presence in our culture & history. Anonymous has also, in one form or another, been around since the beginning of civilization. As long as there has been a malevolent & manipulative ruling class, there has been a benevolent group of keepers & seekers of knowledge & truth & the counterbalance to the powers-that-be. Known by many names, or at times no name at all, we are now Anonymous, and we have birthed or nurtured & supported every resistance movement of note…ever.

WHO ARE THEY? There are currently 133 “investment families/cartels” along with their subordinates & servants. The current incarnation, or at least the primary players, trace their roots to Rome, around the time of the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE. This apex group is popularly known as the Rothschild Family. They were the originators of modern Catholicism-Christianity, and along with economic & political systems that they sponsored or promoted, they have ruled the world since, regardless of who the “kings” were. As a result of their original roots, they are all of them devout Zionists, regardless of faith or spiritual practice. The greater Rothschild clan consists of 101 of the 133 families, leaving 32 clans as “free agents” so-to-speak. Collectively, these people are what are known as globalists, or neoliberal capitalists. They see themselves as an enlightened or “illuminated” class & that they rule by divine right. We disagree. Fortunately, what is not commonly known is that they do fight amongst themselves. It is often imagined that they are one single unit, but any student of human nature can do the math. All families, combined, constitute about 1/10 of ONE PERCENT of the global population, but that is still around 70,000 people. That many people cannot always get along all the time, not even in ONE family, especially when they are the most arrogant, greedy & treacherous people on Earth. The one thing that unifies them is their belief that they are somehow “above” the rest of us, and that it is divinely ordained that they should forever remain in a position of elevation. We disagree. What unites them is what unifies US against them. They gain & maintain their control through three primary methods: socioeconomic, sociopolitical & sociospiritual. They are responsible, in one way or another, for every major historical event in the western world of the last 2000 years, and the entire world for the last 1000. The Roman Empire, The Byzantine Empire, The Crusades, The Inquisition, Western Colonial Expansion through Africa, Asia & the Americas, nearly all western monarchs past & present, most major wars & of course the World Wars, the Great Depression, the Great Recession, Israel and the current turmoil in the middle east. They would call it “progress” but the ways by which they conquer & the death & destruction left in the wake of their progress do not support the claim. They profess a belief that progress only lies in competition, the greater the “risk” the greater the “reward”… OUR risks, THEIR rewards, of which we only we only partake through means of “trickle down” and their divine benevolence. They proclaim peaceful intent while funding war and profiting from the plunder & reconstruction. They profess a belief in a global society made better for all, by their design, but history has shown who their design is good for, and it is never the rest of us. Their design has been executed nearly to completion, BUT they are few, and we are many.

Which brings us to our second point: We are living in a Matrix-like world, in that the status quo system of competitive survival society so permeates the perception of reality for so many that they have no idea what is really going on right in front of them, and to do so would so upset their personal reality that it is virtually inconceivable. Ask yourself, after many of the releases of secret files & information by Anonymous & Wikileaks & multiple whistleblowers, especially Edward Snowden, and the CLEAR facts of social, economic & political inequality that define the the “lines” within which we must live or fear coercive/violent corrective/punitive action against us by our masters; why has the world not simply risen up? The simple answer is: People don’t realize they have the power to do so. Most people are so indoctrinated that even many of the so-called “awake” are actually “waking, but still dreaming” in that they see part of the web, but miss the rest. A “forest, but for the trees” situation. This is by design, to keep you still enslaved even after you think you’ve set yourself free. Key among these unseen cages are blind faiths in the major religions in the tradition of Abraham, currently accepted political & economic “systems” or paradigms, (ie: “if only the right people were “in power”, then all would be well” or “reformists”) & of course the kaleidoscope of “divide & conquer” wedges of discrimination & disunity. (religious, ethnic, national or cultural exceptionalism, the chief among them) These lines of thought take us off the path of Liberty & Justice, and wraps us in the chains of “freedumb” & “just us” that we MUST cast off to see ourselves freed, once and for all…

So what’s the good news?
The good news is that just like they have a plan, so do we! Our plan is YOUR plan, as it is a patchwork of the best strategic & tactical aspects of many designs & visions that most activists currently subscribe to, and the best part is that when executed in a collaborative & concerted enterprise, it is entirely attainable & realistic. What has been 2000 years in the doing, could be stopped in under a decade, and undone in under a century. Our opposition plans and acts in the long term (centuries), while we typically only operate in the short-term, typically within the space of our own lifetimes. To unseat them, we must adapt our strategies to counter theirs, and be proactive rather than reactive, as that leaves us always several moves behind. If we can unite our efforts, and combine our strengths, and inspire our best & brightest to join us in the struggle, we cannot lose!

“We stand in the shadow of greater might, as their Republic casts across the lives of every man, every woman & every child condemned to the darkness of slavery… Forced to toil, and suffer, so that those of coin & position can see their fortunes grow BEYOND NEED OR PURPOSE! Let us teach them that ALL who draw breath are of EQUAL worth, and that those who seek to place heel upon the throat of liberty, shall fall… TO THE CRY OF FREEDOM!”
